How to lie with statistics [1] – Darrell Huff

Chapter 1 – The Sample with the Built-in Bias   This chapter dives into the concept of sample bias, illustrating how […]

Chapter 2 – The Well-Chosen Average   The chapter discusses how different types of averages: mean, median, and mode can […]

Chapter 3 – The Little Figures That Are Not There   The chapter emphasizes the importance of scrutinizing what is not presented […]

Chapter 4 – Much Ado about Practically Nothing   This chapter delves into the concept of statistical significance and how […]

Chapter 5 – The Gee-Whiz Graph   The chapter discusses how visual representations of data, particularly graphs, can be manipulated […]

Chapter 6 – The One-Dimensional Picture   This chapter explores how visual representations, particularly those using images and pictograms, can […]

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